We advise you to exercise normal safety precautions in the United Kingdom (UK). You should exercise common sense and look out for suspicious behaviour, as you would in your own country. Monitor the media and other sources for changes to local travelling conditions.
Q-What are the most prevalent types of crime in the United Kingdom?
A-Theft in all its various forms and vandalism are the most widespread kinds of crime that one might fall prey to in the UK. The most common crimes are distraction theft, bag snatching and armed robberies. Thefts from unattended vehicles, especially hire-cars are common. Drug trafficking and violent crimes, including gun crime rarely involves tourists but one must be vigilant and careful. Pick pocketing is quite prevalent in the UK especially while using local transport. Being cautious is the best remedy in such situations.
Q- How to avoid the foreign exchange rip off in the UK?
A- It is quite easy to get ripped off in a foreign land. Holidaymakers who buy currency at the airport on arrival falls prey to what is known as the "the great airport travel money scandal". In an investigation it has been found that in the UK airports the exchange rates vary by as much as 50% between different airports. With your holiday money, planning ahead and comparing rates can help you beat the great foreign exchange scandal.
Q- What are car hire scams and how to avoid them?
A-Being made to pay over the odds of fuel, or the unwanted hidden charges, or being looted in the name of insuarance, damage charges and more, are the most common ways in which a tourist can be ripped by the car rental companies. One must try to book the car hire as much ahead as possible, booking in advance is way cheaper than booking from a rental desk. You must also search and find the best deals available from online agents and brokers. You must try and be punctual about returning the car to avoid the late return charges.
Q- What is anti social behaviour and how are minors influenced by it?
A- Age- inappropriate actions that harms the well beings of others is termed as anti-social behaviours. According to a survey the UK was thought by respondents to be Europe's worst country for anti social behaviour. Aggression towards people and animals, persistent lying and theft, destruction of property and serious violation of rules all comes under anti social behaviour. The main reason for this is conduct disorder in children that are over looked.
Q- What are the necessary precautions that one must take while in the UK?
A- Take sensible precautions to protect yourself and your property against petty crimes. Do not leave your passport in rental cars, especially in the boot, as there have been a high number of thefts by gangs targeting the vehicles of those who appear to be tourists. Crime associated with the illegal drugs trade is a major issue in Mexican states bordering Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. Some foreign nationals have been among the victims of crime in the border regions, but there is no evidence to suggest they have been targeted because of their nationality. You must take good care of your belongings and must be aware of your surroundings. Try to avoid isolated areas like parks etc after dark. Violent crimes in the UK is somewhat rare compared to the surrounding countries, but you should take care when travelling in unfamiliar areas. Research your destination before travelling, be vigilant, and follow the advice of local authorities.
Q- What is the extent of criminal activities related to drugs in the UK?
A- The UK illegal drugs market remains extremely attractive to organised criminals. The prices charged at street level are some of the highest in Europe, and are sufficient to repay the costs of smuggling the drugs into the UK. The Government’s organised crime strategy sets out that drug trafficking to the UK costs an estimated £10.7 billion per year. Drug smuggling by organised criminals is a major threat. Class A drugs, specifically heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine and ecstasy, are widely available throughout the UK. A large number of foreign nationals are also heavily involved in the illegal drugs trade in the UK. Some have cultural and familial ties to the countries the drugs come from or travel through – this makes it easier for them to take major roles in the trade.

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