Q – What procedures I have to go through at UK Airport?
A – When you arrive at UK airport, your passport, and your identity cards will be checked. Your visas will also be checked to verify that you are allowed to stay in the country for the specified time limit. and when you leave the airports you can claim your VAT back (your sales tax 20%) see for full details please see on VAT Refunds for UK Visitors
Q - What happens at Border control?
• You should have your passport or identity card ready - remove it from a holder or wallet if you use one
• You should remove your sunglasses if you’re wearing them
• You should move through passport control together if you’re in a family
Q - What if I am from an EEA country and Switzerland?
A - You can use the EU/EEA channel to get your passport or identity card checked - this is usually faster than the other channels. You can use automatic passport gates at some airports if your passport has a ‘chip’ on it and you’re over 18.These gates use facial recognition technology to check your identity against the photo in your passport.
Q - What if I am from a non-EEA country?
A - Your carrier will give you a landing card - fill this in before you arrive at border control. Your passport, landing card (and visa if you have one) will be checked. You’ll usually be asked why you’re coming to the UK. Keep documents that show the reason for your visit in your hand luggage, so you can show them if asked, e.g. your travel itinerary, work permit or university letter.
Q - What if I am a registered traveler?
A-If you’ve joined the Registered Traveler Service, you can use the:
UK/EEA channels
automatic passport gates if your passport has a ‘chip’
You won’t need a landing card at some UK airports.
Q - What if I am travelling with a UK biometric visa?
A - You’ll have a biometric visa if your fingerprints were taken when you applied. Your fingerprints will be checked at border control - they’ll be checked against the ones stored on your visa document.
Q - What if I am refused for entry?
You’ll be told in writing-
Why you’ve been refused entry to the UK.
If you can appeal against the decision.
When you will be removed from the UK.
You’ll usually have to leave the UK immediately or you may be allowed into the UK temporarily (usually for up to a week) but your passport will be taken from you and you must report to immigration officers at set times.
Q - I am travelling with children. What things I need to keep in mind?
A - You may be asked at the border to prove the relationship between yourself and any children travelling with you, if you don’t seem to be the parent, e.g. if you have a name confusions.
You can prove this with:
• A birth or adoption certificate showing your relationship with the child
• Divorce or marriage certificates if you’re the parent but have a different surname from the child
• A letter from the child’s parent giving permission for the child to travel with you and providing contact details, if you’re not the parent.
Q - What are the restrictions for hand luggage?
A - There are restrictions on what items you can take in your hand luggage and hold luggage when boarding a plane in the UK. Check with your airline how many and what size bags you can take on the plane with you. There are restrictions on the amount of liquids you can take in your hand luggage. If possible, pack liquids in your hold baggage (luggage that you check in).
If you do take liquids in your hand luggage:-
• Containers must hold no more than 100ml
• Containers must be in a single, transparent, resalable plastic bag, which holds no more than a liter and measures approximately 20cm x 20cm
• Contents must fit comfortably inside the bag so it can be sealed
• The bag must not be knotted or tied at the top
• You’re limited to 1 plastic bag per person
• You must show the bag at the airport security point.
Liquids include:-
• All drinks, including water
• Liquid or semi-liquid foods, e.g. soup, jam, honey, and syrups
• Cosmetics and toiletries, including creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, mascara, and lip gloss
• Sprays, including shaving foam, hairspray and spray deodorants
• Pastes, including toothpaste
• Gels, including hair and shower gel
• Contact lens solution
• Any other solutions and items of similar consistency.
Q - I want to bring my plants and pets along?
A - You can bring your dog, cat, or ferret into the UK without quarantine as long as they meet the rules of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).There’s a similar scheme for horses.There are no restrictions on bringing pet rodents, rabbits, birds, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles to the UK from other EU countries. Pet rabbits and rodents from countries outside the EU must spend 4 months in quarantine. They need a rabies import license.
You can bring in any plant material from countries within the European Union (EU) if it is
• grown in an EU country
• free from pests and diseases
• for your own use
The leaflet ‘Bringing fruit, vegetable and plant products into the UK’ has more information on which plant material you can bring in, and how much of each item is allowed.
If bringing plants to the UK from abroad
If you’re travelling from a country outside the EU, many products have weight and quantity restrictions or are banned completely unless you have a ‘phytosanitary’ (plant health) certificate.You can get the certificate from the plant health authorities in the country you’re leaving. It proves your plants have been inspected, are free from dangerous pests and diseases, and are suitable to enter the UK.
Q - Can I carry my medicines and medical equipment with me?
A - You’re allowed to carry essential medicines of more than 100ml in your hand luggage, but you need supporting documentation from a relevant medical professional (e.g. a letter from your doctor or a copy of your prescription). The same applies for gel packs. Airport staff might need to open the containers to screen the liquids at the security point.
Essential medical equipment-You can take medical equipment with you if it’s essential for your journey. The equipment is screened separately and you must show documentation from a qualified medical professional, such as a letter from your doctor.
Q - Can I take electrical appliances in with me?
You can take the following things with you-
Item | Allowed in hand luggage | Allowed in hold luggage |
Corkscrew | No | Yes |
Spoon | Yes | Yes |
Knife (with a sharp or pointed blade and/or blade longer than 6cm) | No | Yes (check with your airline) |
Small scissors (with blades no longer than 6cm) | Yes | Yes |
Large scissors (with blades longer than 6cm) | No | Yes (check with your airline) |
Round-ended/blunt scissors | Yes | Yes |
Fixed-cartridge razor blades (disposable razor) | Yes | Yes |
Q - What are categorized under chemicals and toxic substances that I cannot take?
A - You can’t take any of these items as hand luggage or in the hold:
• oxidizers and organic peroxides, including bleach and car body repair kits
• acids and alkalis (e.g. spill able ‘wet’ batteries)
• corrosives or bleaching agents (including mercury and chlorine)
• vehicle batteries and fuel systems
• self-defense or disabling sprays (e.g. mace, pepper spray)
• radioactive materials (including medicinal or commercial isotopes)
• poisons or toxic substances (e.g. rat poison)
• biological hazards (e.g. infected blood, bacteria, viruses)
• materials that could spontaneously combust (burst into flames)
• fire extinguishers
Q - Which customs exit to go through at the airport?
A - when confused on the airport, remember these things
• If your journey started in a European Union (EU) country and you have nothing to declare, use the blue exit.
• If you have goods to declare, go to the red Customs point.
• If your journey began in a country outside the European Union, go to the red Customs point if you have goods to declare or use the green exit if you don't.
• If you're travelling with more than €10,000 (or equivalent in other currencies or assets) it must be declared to Customs before you enter or leave the EU.
Q - What things to keep in mind at the UK airport?
A - To ensure a safe, quick journey through the airport, please note the following:
• Never carry anything into the UK for somebody else.
• Never bring prohibited goods into the UK. If in doubt ask at the Customs enquiry point.
• If you are unsure about your duty/tax-free entitlement, go to the Customs enquiry point.
• If you are connecting from an international flight to another international flight you will not need to clear Customs.
• If you are connecting from an international flight to a UK flight you must clear Customs and Immigration.
• For information about bringing goods into the UK, visit the HM Revenue & Customs website or call 0845 010 9000.
We Hope You get your way out of the airport soon and have a pleasant time in UK.
for more details, please visit official website

Customs and Airports uk