United Kingdom is a place which is being loved by tourists for a very long time because of its rich history and lovely architecture. Accommodation is first point to think about for each and every tourist when planning to visit United Kingdom. United Kingdom has a vast net of hotels all over London, Manchester, Leicester, Birmingham, Leeds, Oxford, Cambridge, Scotland, Ireland and at many other places throughout United Kingdom.

Hotels throughout United Kingdom cover the complete range of accommodations, from historic places to stay, budget hotels, rental homes, rental apartments, rental studios, and high level luxury hotels. Most of the hotels in London offer attached bathrooms with rooms while including breakfast and internet in the staying cost.

Hotels in United Kingdom has different ratings as defined by the tourism officials in United Kingdom. Average cost of one night stay at budget hotel will be somewhere between £20 and £30. Below are the description of services being offered by hotels in United Kingdom as per the accommodation standards:

Stay at Historic Places

A Royal stay is the term which defines this accommodation. Tourists in UK can have a beautiful stay at Historical places and will be able to receive star category hospitality. Most of world heritage places in United Kingdom offer accommodation while offering a very nice view of surroundings and historic architecture. Cost for staying at these places would be somewhere around £300-£550 per night per couple/person.

5 Star Hotels

International Hotels with worldwide chains comes under this category with local United Kingdom chains. Luxury accommodation while offering luxury level of hospitality, these hotels comes under a class when we talk about staying in a hotel in United Kingdom. These hotels doesn’t include breakfast most of the time but comes under package deals always. This type of stay will cost you around £200 - £350 per night for a person/ couple.

4 and 3 Star Hotels

Comfortable stay is what defines this level of accommodation in United Kingdom. 4 star and 3 star hotels are near about same while having some differences in hospitality standards. These hotels might be an independent one or part of a local British chains. Staying at a 4 Star hotel will cost you around £120 - £250 and at a 3 Star hotel will cost around £80 - £150.

2 and 1 Star Hotels

Great value for money; within budget, basic accommodation, basic level of hospitality, breakfast included with internet, satellite TV, and a homely experience for around £40 - £100 for a 2 star hotel and £20 - £60 for a 1 star hotel.


United Kingdom has various hostels all over its major cities. These hostels offers sharing stay while offering private rooms as well. These hostels are comfortable, low cost, bars, travel booking services and includes internet access as well. These hotels charges £8 - £20 for a night per person.

Rented Apartments/ Studios

Self-cooked stay is the best term which defines this type of accommodation. You will get a fully furnished apartment / studio to stay while experiencing everything like being at home. You will need to cook yourself, clean yourself, and maintain the place yourself. This type of stay is best for a small group of friends, family and some of those who’s plan to stay for a longer time. This type of accommodation will cost you around £300 - £600 for a month.