Manchester is a perfect place for tourists, only when you know your safety norms well. Crime is around every corner, especially, when the night falls. Pickpocketing and eve-teasing is something quite common over here. Moreover, it is recommended to avoid the nightclub areas and bars, especially on Fridays and Saturday nights, to avoid some obscene scenarios.
· Worst behavior from children: Sorry to say, but Manchester does not have proper behavioral classes for children! It’s sad to recent some anti-social behavior from those little kids, ready to be the future citizen of this place.
· Car rental scams: As the importance of car rental services is growing at a fast pace, therefore; more and more car rental companies are popping up over here. It’s hard to avoid the car rental scams, and you will be charged with extra pennies, without any prior notice!
· Pickpocketing: If you ever roam around the “Gay Village,” you might be the victims of pickpocketing anytime! The clubs are sought of okay, but not the people! To avoid pickpocketing, you should avoid such places in Manchester.
· Snatching bags and purses: Even though it is sad to hear such problems, but Manchester is a burning example of snatching tourist bags on the street, and any time of the day! It was previously restricted at nights, but unfortunately, the same occurrences are taking place at broad day lights.
· Mugs and thugs all over the place: Manchester is a great place for tourists, but a den for thugs, as well. If you visit any lonely streets or lanes, you will find them in groups, eyeing their next prey!
Warnings and Dangers in Manchester