The Tier 2 (General) visa is for skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to come to the UK and work for a UK employer. In most cases the employer will need to prove that the position cannot be filled by a person within the EEA.
To qualify for this visa the applicant needs to meet the following minimum requirements:
• A certificate of sponsorship that is a suitable offer of employment from an employer having a valid Sponsor Licence.
• Must be efficient in English, this requirement can be met by a citizen of certain English speaking countries, or holding a certain degree level qualification in English, or holding a qualifying English Language Test to the required standard.
• Must be able to prove that he has a saving of £945 in his account and that he has that for a minimum period of 3 months immediately before applying for the visa. This requirement can also be met by the sponsor confirming the applicant's maintenance and accommodation on the certificate of sponsorship.
• The applicant's employer must be offering him a job with a minimum salary of £20,500. There are however exceptions to this requirement also.
• A current passport or some other valid travel identification.
• A passport sized coloured photograph.
• Bank statement showing the required savings in the account.
• Proof that one meets the English Language Test.
• His tuberculosis test result if the applicant is from a country where this test is necessary.
A dependant is a husband, wife or a civil partner or children under the age of 18. These dependants are allowed to stay with the applicant during his stay in the UK, and they are allowed to work in the UK, set a business or be self employed but they can't work in the UK as a doctor or dentist in training.
The applicant can come to the UK with this visa for a maximum period of 5 years and 14 days, or the time mentioned on the Certificate of Sponsorship plus one month, whichever is shorter. He can apply to extend his stay for up to 5 years, as long as his total stay is not more than 6 years
DOs and DONTs
A Migrant can:
• work for his sponsor in the job mentioned in the certificate of sponsorship.
• do a second job in the same sector at the same level as his main job for up to 20 hours per week.
• do voluntary work.
• do a job which has a shortage of workers in the UK for up to 20 hours per week.
• travel abroad and return to the UK.
• study as long as it doesn't hinder the job he has been sponsored for.
• bring his dependants along.
A Migrant can't:
• own more the 10% of his sponsor's share, unless he earns more than £155,300 a year.
• get public funds.
• start working before getting his visa.
• apply for a second job until he has started working for his sponsor.