Tier 1- Graduate visa is designed for graduates who have been officially endorsed as having a genuine and credible business idea and have been engaged in innovative entrepreneurial activity during their academic life in the UK. This visa enable them to work in the UK following their graduation to develop their business ideas.

Under this scheme recent graduates must be endorsed by either a UK Higher Education Institution (HEI)  or by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) under their Sirius Programme.  The aim of UK Government through this route is to retain aspiring entrepreneur.


This depends on how the applicant has been endorsed.

UKTI endorsement : One should get a decision on his visa within 3 weeks.
UKHEI endorsement: One should get a decision on his visa within 8 weeks.


Applicant for this visa must be:

• Must be in the UK and have been awarded a degree from a participating UK academic institution at a Bachelors, Maters or PhD level.

• Must have a score of 75 points for his attributes which includes endorsement from a UK higher education institution and A UK recognised bachelor's or post-graduation degree awarded by a UK higher education institution.

• Must score of  10 points for English Language skill.

• Must have 10 points for his maintenance that is he must have a saving of £945 (if applying in the UK), and a saving of £1,890 (if applying from outside the UK); and he must have this saving for at least 90 days immediately before applying for the visa.

• Must be from outside the EEA and Switzerland.

• One can switch into this visa if he is currently in the UK under one of the following categories-


a. Tier 4 migrant
b. Student nurse
c. Student re-sitting an examination
d. Student writing a thesis
e. Postgraduate doctor or dentist
f. Tier 1 (Graduate( Entrepreneur) Migrant


If granted a visa an applicant can stay for one year, and they can extend their leave for another year if their University provide them another Letter of Endorsement.


Applying from outside the UK: £335 for oneself and £335 for each dependant (if any).
Extending or switching by post in the UK: £456 for oneself and £456 for each dependant (if any).
A health surcharge will also have to be paid as a part of his application by each applicant.

It depend on how one has been endorsed

Endorsed by HEI

An applicant will require:

• A current passport or another valid travel identification.
• 1 passport sized coloured photograph.
• A letter of Endorsement from his UK Higher education institution.
• Bank statement showing the required savings.
• An original certificate of his qualification or an accepted alternative.
• Proof of his knowledge of English Language.
• A tuberculosis (TB) test result if he is from the country where taking this test is necessary.

Endorsed by UKTI

An applicant will require:

• A current passport or a valid travel identification.
• 2 passport sized coloured photograph.
• A letter of Endorsement from UKTI.
• An original certificate of his academic qualification
• previous passports.
• A residence permit, 'green card' or valid visa if he is not a national of the country from where he is applying.
• Proof of his knowledge of English Language.
• Bank statement showing the required savings.
• A tuberculosis (TB) test result if he is from the country where taking this test is necessary.
• A letter from NARIC that proves that he can use his qualifications to apply for this visa.

DOs and DON'Ts

An immigrant can:

• Bring his dependants along.
• Extend his stay in the UK using this visa.
• Switch into this visa from some other visa category.
• An immigrant can't:

Get public funds.

• Work as  a doctor or dentist in training.
• Work as a professional sportsperson.
• Settle in the UK on this visa.

Tier 1- Graduate Entrepreneur Visa,