How do I Search the price for a specific hotel or hostel or apartment?

Once you have selected dates for your property, click the check availability button.

How do I search for hotels or hostels or apartments by price?

Once you are on the property Results page, there is a drop down menu at the top left that allows you to sort the properties by many different options including Star Rating, Price, and many others.

How do I search for hotels or hostels or apartments in or near a specific part of the city/town or near a particular point of interest?

Once you run a search, there is an advanced options link on the refine results search box (left of the page). Simple choose the option for refining your search.

How do I search for hotels or apartments with specific facilities such as, an indoor swimming pool?

As above, simply use the refined search options and tick the specific facilities you are looking for.

Where can I find the property’s telephone number and/or email address?

Once you make a booking through our website, the property’s address and phone number are displayed online as well as in your confirmation mail. Once you have successfully completed a booking, you may view and edit details by clicking the My Bookings link and logging in with your secure pin number and booking reference.

Where is the location of the property?

The address of each property is displayed on the property page itself, with a visual map displayed to the left of each hotel. Also, with most hotels or hostels or apartments, specific information about the area the property is located in can be found on the bottom of the property’s page.

Can I make a booking for tonight on your website?

Of course! Please ensure that you type your credit card details correctly, as there may be very little time to confirm the booking between you entering the details and the time you want to stay

How Do I Search Hotels or Hostels or Apartments