Can the property store my luggage before check in or after check out?
This information will be displayed under hotel or hostel or apartment facilities on the information page, but for further details, please contact the hotel directly once you receive your confirmation email.
How do I find out if a hotel or hostel or apartment has a certain facility, e.g. a lift?
Everything located within the property will be displayed under hotel or hostel or apartment facilities on the property’s page, but if you have any specific queries, please contact the property directly once you have reserved.
How can I find out that the hotel or hostel or apartment offers a shuttle service and how can I book it?
Shuttle and similar services will be displayed under property facilities – services. This is an additional service, so will be charged directly by the property. Please contact them prior to your arrival via the information on your confirmation email. For services such as a shuttle service, please make sure you have your flight details ready.
How Do I Find the Extra facilities at the Hotels or Hostels or Apartments or any other property?