East Midlands Trains is a British train operating company owned by Stagecoach Group. Based in Derby, the company provides train services in the East Midlands and parts of Yorkshire, mainly in Lincolnshire, serve trains to and from London East Midlands Trains operates train services between London, the East Midlands and Yorkshire, you can find more about the services, Schedules, map, Tickets and Routes of Provider. Find out more details below.

Customer Services Information

Primary Phone: 03457125678

Fax: 08456 010 988

Textphone number: 1800103457125678 (For customers with hearing impairments)


Customer Relations - East Midlands Trains

1 Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Pride Park



DE24 8HG

Web address: www.eastmidlandstrains.co.uk

Email address: getintouch@eastmidlandstrains.co.uk

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day

Lost Property

Web address: East Midlands Trains - Lost Property

Assisted Travel

Phone: 03457125678

Textphone number: 08457 078 051 (For customers with hearing impairments)

Web address: East Midlands Trains - Assisted Travel

Ticket and Prices - Book Tickets Online

Phone: 03457125678

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday - 06:00 to 22:00

Group Travel

Phone: 03457125678

On board facilities - Please check here 

Important Information

Download network map | Ticket types | Smartcards | Season tickets | Deals & offers | Railcards | Best fare finder | Ticket Availability Dates | First class train tickets to London | Group train tickets | Trainseurope Tickets | InterRail Tickets | Our network | Trains to London | Trains to Sheffield | Trains to Derby | Trains to Nottingham | Trains to Leicester | Trains to airports | Trains to Europe | Parking at the station | Penalty fares stations & map | Our stations | On board our trains | Business travel | Luggage & pets

East Midlands Trains