Not Recommended !

London Coach Stations and Stops are unquestionably very secured and safe for passengers hoping to embark on one expedition or the other. But nonetheless, it does not tolerate or encourage night bystanders and waiters for so many somewhat inexplicable reasons.

More like every other civilized city and country of the world. London and United Kingdom is particular also experiences crimes from nonchalant individuals which is readily and unpredictable phenomenon. For example, waiting at coach stations and bus stops late night could be a harmful experience, one may encounter any kind of challenges ranging from harassment to even sexual assault - anything is possible, even so, security measures and gadgets are well located and installed at various locations to help trace and curb crime factors.

If is in the morning time or perhaps very early at or before cockrow, the situations seems to be a bit different. Reasons are that you’ll be lucky to find early travelers and waiters loitering to catch the morning tour coaches. Sometimes, the stations or coach stops are filled-up as early as 4 am, with people who have travel tickets and corresponding timings.

If you’re an old face in the city of London or any region in the united kingdom. There are chances that you have studied, grabbed and gotten acquainted with the happenings in the city. You can decide to stay out late in the coach stations sometimes when unfortunate to meet with early coaches. But being careful and gallant at all times still remains the prevailing truth. But for newcomers, there is no doubt you need time to know “what’s up” and “what’s down” and how thing flow within your locality, within a short while, you’ll soon come to realize the danger times and points as well as how to manage and cope when you find yourself in one. 

As a tourist, is it safe waiting for the coaches at bus stops at night or early morning?