When you think of Big Ben or Tower Bridge, you think of the magical land of London. The most populous city of England, London is a cultural mix of modern lifestyle. Everything about this place is just perfect, making it a perfect joy ride for tourists. This place has its strengths mixed in commerce, arts, entertainment, education fashion and what not!
Defined as one of the leading investment spots of all time, London is known for hosting some of the amazing international retailers, which the world has ever seen. As per the recent statistics, London stands at the top of multimedia development, software, and designs, and even shares the first position in current technical readiness.
A little background of this city:
The history of London dates back to 2000 years. It has evolved into a significant financial and cultural capital for the world to see. It was a battlefield of civil war, devastating fire and plague, and even terrorist attacks, but in every situation, England stands tall. If you go by the legend, Historia Regum Britanniae, it was Brutus of Troy, who founded London in about 1000 - 1100 B.C. Furthermore, you afford to miss you the rich array of some legendary emperors, which surround the History of England like a gray cloud. In short, London is a perfect amalgamation of history with modern technology.
Reasons to visit London:
Other than being a diversified place, London is known for some of its world’s best attractions, sights and activities. You cannot just miss out the historical landmarks and technical innovations, hovering around the place. Moreover, accommodation in London is for all, no matter how tight your budget is. Additionally, this place has some free London attractions for those, who are short of money. From yummy food to best views, and great shopping destinations, London is a paradise, not to be missed!

london history on united kingdom travel guide